MOMENTOS 2024 - Dance & Commercial Dance Performance
Event s captura de pantalla 2024 05 10 a las 12.54.18

MOMENTOS 2024 - Dance & Commercial Dance Performance

Antolatzailea: Institute of the Arts Barcelona

TEATRE EL PRADO. Carrer Francesc Gumà, 6 Mapa ikusi TEATRE EL PRADO. Carrer Francesc Gumà, 6

Online salmenta itxita.

Informazio gehiago jasotzeko ekitaldiaren antolatzailearekin harremanetan jarri.

Antolatzailearen datuak "Antolatzailea" eremuan daude.

Gertaeraren xehetasuna


The IAB Dance Graduation Concert

New works by international choreographers performed by contemporary and commercial dance students

Please note,

*This show contains flashing lights and strobe effects.

* Entry to the performance will not be allowed once the play has started.

* Show length: 2 hour and 15 minutes approx. without an intermission.

*This performance will take place at the El Prado Theatre.

Location: Teatre El Prado, C/ Francesc Gumà 6, Sitges.

Sarbide politika

Kasu honetan antolatzaileak ez du zehaztu adingabekoen politikarik sarreran, zalantzarik izan ezkero zuzenean antolatzailearekin harremanetan jartzea gomendatzen dizugu.

Iritziak (6) 6 Iritziak

Antigoni Georgiou
2024/05/24 egunean joan zen IRITZIA BALIOZTATUTA
Mother (of student Panagiota Georgiou)
The girls worked really hard and that was reflected on the scene! I am deeply proud of all dancers and congratulate them and their teachers for the amazing performance during the 4 shows! Well done to all of you!
Antigoni Georgiou
2024/05/25 egunean joan zen IRITZIA BALIOZTATUTA
Mother (of student Panagiota Georgiou)
Excellent job, amazing performance, professional level! Well done all of you! Enjoyed every single moment!
Josep Maria Franch Grau
2024/05/24 egunean joan zen IRITZIA BALIOZTATUTA
Matrícula d'honor
M.D-H- pels alumnes, la música, les coreografíes, els professors...tenim una inmensa sort de tenir l'IAB a Sitges..moltes gràcies per fer-me disfrutar tantissim
2024/05/24 egunean joan zen IRITZIA BALIOZTATUTA
Amazing show
The show was fantastic, consisting of a variety of group and solo performances. Truly beautiful and expressive dancing from highly talented people.
Helen Joannou
2024/05/24 egunean joan zen IRITZIA BALIOZTATUTA
Awesome.. can’t wait to See the other two performances
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